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Saturday, February 19, 2011

There's always an ending to every start...

In about three weeks time, I would be finally graduating from college. I've been waiting for this moment for three years already but now that it's so close to the finish line, it's like I wished time would go into a stand still just for awhile. I think it happens to alot of people when their life is about to change. Yeap, after this three weeks, my life would change forever. It's time to step into the real-world and grow up as an adult. It's actually scary to know that everything will be on you now and all the responsibility that's about to fall on you. I have a big problem now, where am I supposed to work? I hope to find a proper company where I enjoy doing what I do there so that I would work in peace. Unfortunately, in Penang there's not much options for a digital student like me. Mostly graphic design and that's not what I'm passionate about doing. I might go into video production to see what's it like. I like video and 3D but ofcourse my animation and 3D skill isn't at all near to being qualified for the job. I still have to work on that. My mum feels like I should continue studying after working a few months or a year or something but personally, I'm just sick of studying. It's not that I'm lazy or anything, it's just that I don't want to waste my money again on some college. Everything I know about design, I learned it by myself and what college thought me was basically... nothing. So that really disappointed me and just killed every bit of passion to continue studying again. I just wanna graduate and see where life takes me. It's all about your portfolio. Ofcourse I'm not denying pursuing your studies will get you a better position but seriously for now, I can't even imagine myself going back to college and doing this same thing over and over again besides, I don't have that much financial support to do it. Don't even get me started on scholarships. So my plan is to work hard and build up my portfolio and I would see how the market goes, if a degree is needed then I might pursue it probably in animation or video production. I believe that a certificate isn't everything to ensure a brighter future. There are some people who had never got an education and still because of their perseverance and diligence they manage to be somebody in this world. This days, the number of people with a degree in their hands is like throwing a stone at some random stranger on the street and probably 9 our of 10 of them are degree holders. It's just a piece of paper. What determines who is more successful then the other is your hard work and your talent. I'm not saying that pursuing your studies is a waste of time and money, it just depends. If you are not passionate about what you are studying then why pursue? Or if you can't pursue because you don't have the chance then don't feel like your world has ended. There's always a way to turn the bad to good if you just believe in yourself and trust in what you're doing.

1 comment:

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